The Ornicept Market Size Assessment Tool, or OMSAT for short, is a simply excel spreadsheet, but has the power to provide insight for entrepreneurs and investors to access statistics from the U.S bureau of Labor Statistics, to
This tool was graciously released under the Creative Commons (CC) license, to help startups have access to information only larger corporations can afford to pay to research, in getting the market size, which will allow for a more scientific interpolation of number of users that may be interested in certain goods or services, allowing for better assumptions. The spreadsheet is capable of using formulas to work out expected value per user per year, and over life-time.
With the information you can generate, you can present to investors a stronger case for market need, and portray a more accurate assessment of the market-space, answering an important question that a lot of investors might have.
The tool uses employment data from 2012 as well as projections for 2022. You can download the tool by clicking here.